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26 April 2005



vf-- Thanks for the follow-up. I was able yesterday to catch your pithy TONY review, and purchase a stupendously-expensive copy of 'Elegia' at Tower in Cambridge, MA.

His voice is much more worn, isn't it? Not quite Chet Baker in extremis, but getting there. Endearing, as you note... I like the intimate arrangements and less slickly-produced ambiance of the album. It's all of a piece-- closer to the bone. Very impressive.

A suggestion: try playing it back-to-back with Enrico Rava, 'Easy Living' (ECM).

Oh, and very nice blog, as even this Yale-ed. Red Sox fan can see. Anyone who loves the likes of Conte and (the great) Jordi Savall-- and Scelsi, too-- wow, terrific taste. (Muti, I don't know. Hmm... What's Italian for kapellmeister?)

I'll be back often. Best wishes. And I'm very sorry about the Yankee meltdown. Can Matsui pitch?

vilaine fille

It's shorter and more expensive than "Rveries" and "Best of" (alas), and similar to "Rveries" in the sparkling quality of the arrangements and more pensive cast of the material. I've been revisiting "Best of," and the maestro's voice has really aged since then All the more reason to love him madly!


Thanks for the heads-up re the new album-- his first in 7 years, I've read... How does it compare to the 'Best of' and 'Reveries' CDs?

M. C-

was just listening to the maestro this afternoon. chips, chips, chips. will go off in search of elegia right now.

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