Iamque rubescebat stellis Aurora fugatis
cum procul obscuros collis humilemque uidemus
Italiam. Italiam primus conclamat Achates,
Italiam laeto socii clamore salutant.
—P. Vergilii Maronis, Aeneidos IIIvilaine fille and her alter ego have had a rough few months, with a back injury, a cluster of related ailments, and an important life transition. The back injury is healing, and the transition is underway. I’m about to embark on a trip to the land of my heart, where I plan to breathe, walk, read, work on a writing project (which has nothing to do with music), connect with friends old and new (anche Bob, spero!), and drink in the incomparable beauty of the land, language, culture, and people.
I feel miserable about having neglected you, gentle readers. I hope to make it up to you when things are less unsettled.
There has been one abiding joy of late: Seeing my g-dchild Angela blossom. At left you see her about six weeks ago. Isn’t she gorgeous? Check out those Bibendum arms!
vilaine fille may or may not post over the next month, depending on the availability of an Internet connection. She encourages you to visit her beloved vilaines filles and mauvais garçons. I have set up pensées du dimanche and occasional almanac-style postings to keep you amused.
In coming weeks, please look for my Time Out New York review of the sublime new Arvo Pärt CD, my Newsday Fast Chat with Anthony Minghella, and my TONY feature on Marcello Giordani.
Finally, Leshanah tovah tikatevu vetehatemu. May you and yours enjoy all blessings of health, happiness, love, and success in 5767.
See you in mid-October!
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