Oh, and while I’m at it: Fabio Cannavaro, captain of the Italian national football team, who had already won the most important prize of all, also won the Ballon d’or this week.
To honor the occasion, Nike issued a video ad, produit en Italie, promoting “Coppa Cannavaro” ice cream—la coppa golosa che fa il mondo geloso (“the delicious cup that makes the world jealous”). The original series of print ads is available here, with an expanded series at Nikefootball.com, where Captain Cannavaro advertises a new flavor: Gold.
You can celebrate Cannavaro’s victory by singing “Cuore azzurro” along with the lads, watching a recap of our glorious victory (warning—it’s a tearjerker), and listening to Fabio Caressa’s immortal tribute to our captain and his magnificent men. (And if you haven’t heard the Arab-language commentator call Fabio Grosso’s goal against Germany, go to it.)
Ah, man-love truly is bellissimo. Brokeback calcio? We invented it.
Yes, Italy are World Champions and the most beautiful men in the world. Rosicate, Franzosi, rosicate!
P.S. When I was in Italy, the Dolce & Gabbana underwear ads were up at all the bus stops and train stations, larger than life. Do you understand why I didn’t want to return to the States?
Ciao Roberto !
I migliori ? Mo' vediamo, di sicuro lo eravamo a giugno-luglio 2006.
Forza Ringhio, forza Dùnadùn, che ci facciano ancora sognare !
Posted by: vilaine fille | 07 September 2007 at 15:04
gurda..lasciate perdere sti rincoglioniti...che nn capiscono un cazzo di niente!!!! Gli italiani sono i migliori.....e abbiamo i calciatori + belli e sensuali...e sensibili e bravi al tempo giustoo...rosicate tutti da morire.....!
Posted by: Roberto | 07 September 2007 at 14:26
Ouais, c'est impressionant, le ballon. Quant aux slips faut bien considérer ce qu'il y a dedans
Je te fais de gros bisous et te promets d'arrêter un peu de me réjouir exclusivement du foot, comme j'ai retrouv ma réjouissance (per modo di dire)
J'espère te revoir au printemps ! *smooch*
Posted by: vilaine fille | 08 January 2007 at 01:43
I hate soccer.
I hate D&G unerwears (and their sterotypes models)
I like very much the B&W pix!!!! i want the same in my bed. i talk about the balloon, evidently.
Posted by: Vincy | 12 December 2006 at 22:51