Today, 23 April, is the feast of Saint George. Via Giorgia (grazie, sor!) comes the mind-blowing and welcome news that some invoke Saint George as the patron saint of same-sex marriage.
As a Jew, vilaine fille cannot worship Saint George. As a hag, though, she venerates him:
Heroic soldier and defender of your faith, you dared to criticize a tyrannical emperor and were subjected to horrible torture.
That sounds about right, n’est-ce pas?
This page explains:
No one reading early texts about George can fail to be impressed by the explicit homoeroticism in them. George at one stage is about to marry, but is prevented by Christ. As the text said, “[George] did not know that Christ was keeping him as a pure virginal bridegroom for himself.”
Plus, take a look at the painting by Raffaello: I mean, the slim cut and fastidious lustre of the armor are dead giveaways, wouldn’t you say?
George is the patron of many localities, including England, Canada, Ferrara, and Reggio Calabria (the birthplace of Giuseppe Filianoti). Please see an extraordinary image by Bay Area-photographer Seán Duggan, and refer to the Wikipedia entry for other fascinating lore.
P.S. Auguri immensi di un felice onomastico, sor!
P.P.S. Happy birthday, S!